The Royal Commission on Magnetism 1784, Isis Revelata: An Inquiry Into the Origin, Progress, and Present State of Animal Magnetism, Investigation Coming out in a couple months!!!

Was the Royal Commission on Magnetism purposefully designed to mislead you and turn you away from real psychic phenomena?, Did they choose to investigate Charles d’Eslon, a fraud in order to calm down the French population?, Is Franz Anton Mesmer also a fraud?, Why do so many of these frauds explanations have hints of truth in them, is it cause they come from real psychic phenomena, potentially a known or unknown psychic in the early 1700s?, Was hypnotism founded on these frauds attempts to emulate psychic abilities?, Did these hypnotists outshine real psychics at the time and how much did this end up muddying the waters?, Can it heal?, If it's the imagination, Why Did They Refuse To Test Animals?

Download PDF: The Royal Commission on Magnetism 1784


Pyramidion of Amenemhat III


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